Wednesday, January 6, 2021

What do I need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine?

 Many COVID-19 vaccines are being made. Most require you to get 2 shots. You get the second shot 3 to 4 weeks after you got the first one. The second shot is like a booster shot. You need to get both shots for the vaccine to work. The government makes sure all vaccines are as safe as possible. The vaccine is free. Talk to your doctor about what could happen when you get the COVID-19 vaccine. There are some side effects. For example, your arm might be sore where you get the shot (just like when you get a flu shot), and you might feel tired or have a fever after you get the shot.

What is Ohio’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program? 

It takes time to make enough vaccines for everybody. Ohio has a plan with a few phases to give the COVID-19 vaccines across the state to those who want to get one. People who are most at risk will get the vaccine first.

Who will get the COVID-19 vaccine? 

In the early phases, the people most at risk will be able to get the vaccine if they want. This will include medical workers, people caring for COVID-19 patients, and people who live or work in group settings. This includes people with disabilities who live with one roommate or more as well as their staff. For now, the vaccine is not for children. Younger and healthy adults might have to wait until spring to get the vaccine. Once more vaccines are made, every person in Ohio will have a choice to get the vaccine if they want to. Ask your doctor if you have questions about when it will be your turn to get the vaccine. 

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